Category: Books on Tap

The only way to know how long you are lost in the darkness is to be saved from it.

“From now on, it is our task to suspect each and every one amongst us.”

“Friendship is more than skin deep.”

“The memory is a living thing – it too is in transit. But during its moment, all that is remembered joins, and lives – the old and the young, the past and the present, the living and the dead.”

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.

“Grandpa isn’t here to talk to me before falling asleep, to go out for walks and explore the town, and because of that I feel alone, lonely, solo, solito, solito de verdad.”

“Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real.”

“Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit.”

“When we share our grief, we validate the fact that the person we have loved and lost made a lasting impression on our lives.”

“It is so easy to have principles. Far, far harder to live by them.”

“There’s a time to live and a time to die. In between there’s time to remember.”