Category: Brown Bagger’s Book Group

Then who is my father?

“The world’s richest people per capita were becoming the world’s most murdered.”

“Sooner or later…one has to take sides. If one is to remain human.”

“There’s a plot afoot all right, and I’ll gladly name the forces propelling it—hysteria, ignorance, malice, stupidity, hatred, and fear.”

“They’re poor because there’s a limited amount of good luck in this world, and they’ve never been given any.”

“A journey is a person itself; no two are alike.”

“Strangely enough I was not at all afraid at this moment. Instead I found myself thinking as I stood there in the middle of the wreckage, So this is how it is.”

“There it was again: conscience. Lincoln believed he was acting according to motives higher than the merely political.”

Brown Baggers Book Club: Potluck Selection Party

“Only horses were honest, in the end.”

“We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness.”