Category: Book Discussion
Notes, thoughts, feedback from JMRL book groups
“There was, in my view, an unwritten contract with the reader that the writer must honour … The invented had to be as solid and as self-consistent as the actual.”
“….the architect and planter, struggling against the moralist” : Discussing “Master of the Mountain”
Banned Books Week: Discover What You’re Missing
“…when we are young, we invent different futures for ourselves; when we are old, we invent different pasts for others.”
“He had learned the worst lesson that life can teach — that it makes no sense.”
“Home, whether it be structure or familiar ground, is, finally, the identity that does not fade.”
“It’s a luxury being a writer, because all you ever think about is life.” Amy Tan

The Elegance of the Hedge-blog
“This is the Court of Chancery, which has its decaying houses and its blighted lands in every shire…”
Brown Baggers 2013 Selections

The Cervantes Prize or Premio de Literatura en Lengua Castellana Miguel de Cervantes